by nanaysdaughter

Day 10 on MH Way Parasite Cleanse   12 y  
MH Way of Life (non-stop parasite cleansing, diet improvement and usage of herbs the Master Herbalist wway)
My mother and I are now on Day 10 of MH Way Parasite Cleanse. The MH Way Parasite Cleanse includes LOWER BOWEL BALANCE POWDER INGREDIENTS: Barberry Bark, Cascara Sagrada Bark, Cayenne, Ginger, Lobelia Herb, Red Raspberry Leaves, Turkey Rhubarb, Fennel, Golden Seal Root, Olive Leaf With Oregano Oil. This is one of My Teacher’s most famous and popular formulas. To many, this formula is known as an herbal laxative; however, to many herbalists it is much more than this. One of the most important and beneficial factors of this formula is how it stimulates peristaltic action within the l ...   read more

September 2012 Updates   12 y  
My message to anyone doing Humaworm currently... the crazy nights will go away.. keep at it.!!! If you are in the US, try Barefoot Herbalist dewormer too.
My message to anyone doing Humaworm currently... the crazy nights will go away.. keep at it.!!! If you are in the US, try Barefoot Herbalist dewormer too. My father keeps getting better and better, he walks our dog everyday now.. he still have the occasional cough and colds, but his breathing is much much better now. My daughter’s appetite for food is also much much better now.. her tummy is noticeably smaller. I lost about 5 kg after a month of being a fruitarian. The gurgling in my stomach is gone now.. its also a lot smaller (still far from being flat).. but its a lot smaller now. ...   read more

Day 3 of my attempt to become a fruitarian   12 y  
This is my 3rd day of eating at least 80% fruits 10% veggies 10% fats (from nuts/seeds/ plant oils) vanity first - I lost 2 kg (about 4 pounds) - my skin looks clearer
This is my 3rd day of eating at least 80% fruits 10% veggies 10% fats (from nuts/seeds/ plant oils) vanity first - I lost 2 kg (about 4 pounds) - my skin looks clearer overall well being - my mind is a lot clearer - i am very productive at work - i feel light (no pain on the right side of stomach when I wake up in the morning) all about poo - am still constipated though so I take senna to move things along - my poo is very little and color is light brown other herbs am taking (ok not as good quality as MH’s but better than none) - oregano tea (”from Turkey” accdng to or ...   read more

Cough Gone - No medicine - no Doctor visit   12 y  
I was able to expel some of it. But am not exactly not sure that I have expelled them all.. so I know some of the mucus is now in my stomach. So now am trying to do a fruit/fruit juice feast (meaning no other food but 80% fruit 10% plant fat 10% proteins from seeds). This is to limit food for the newly hatched eggs (ewww! again). I intend to do this as long as I can.
you have pasma, when you are coughing, usually prolonged. The cause? You probably missed a meal or you sweated too much and never changed your shirt (thus the sweat dried in your skin) therefore you have cough Recently, I had cough (chesty, with white almost transparent phleghm) for more than 3 weeks. Usually cough with yellow phlegh is attributed to a bacteria/viral infection. This one is not. I’ve tried all know herbal and natural remedies (including garlic, onions and turmeric). The only thing that gave me relief and a good night’s sleep is a Filipino folk remedy for cough ...   read more

31 days after Humaworm   12 y  
31 days after humaworm,I dont hear my stomach gurgling that much anymore. The swelling (edema) on my feet is gone. But a persistent cough, which started after my first liver flush (which is about 23 days ago)--- is not abating.
Sometimes I expel mucus when I cough, sometimes it stays just behind my throat (does not go down and does not go out too).. sigh.. I have done everything in the natural/herbal books to cure it but it still there..e.g. - drank 2 tbsp of honey,acv, garlic syrup daily - onions and garlic on my socks to sleep - air humidifier with eucalyptus oil and oregano infusion while I sleep According to Humaworm, it still is part of cleansing and will go out on its own. I wonder what other did to expel the mucus. I tried oil pulling again, as before it forces me to gag, but it this time it didnt, ...   read more

2 weeks after Liver Flush   12 y  
My depression is gone. Brain Fog gone. But I still wish to lose wait am still overweight.
My depression is gone. Brain Fog gone. But I still wish to lose wait am still overweight. My BMI is 28.4... am not blaming it on HUmaworm and the liver flush.. I just ate too much ice cream and chocolates.. This time I will try to clean up my diet (no mucus forming food) and then do the Lower Bowel Cleanse and then the Liver Flush again.. I will also try do a 5 day BReuss Juice fast..   visit the page

Liver Cleanse - flushed about 50 stones   12 y  
Successfully flused 50 gallstones (Large to medium sized) and also flushed some black tapeworm like segments.. very stinky. Until today (MOnday afternoon), I can still my stomach gurgling, but no more headache, no more foggy brain and my stomach is flatter.
I did a modified Hulda Clark Liver cleanse this weekend. I folloed the instructions to a T, except 1. I do not have ozonator, so my olive oil is not ozonated 2. used Humaworm Capsules instead of Black Walnut tincture 3. took Melatonin to sleep instead of Ornithine Successfully flused 50 gallstones (Large to medium sized) and also flushed some black tapeworm like segments.. very stinky. Until today (MOnday afternoon), I can still my stomach gurgling, but no more headache, no more foggy brain and my stomach is flatter.   visit the page

Updates - 1 week after 30 day HW Cleanse   12 y  
Now, am feeling a lot better, no more growling/gurling stomach and no more gas, my stools are also well formed. Tomorrow, I am going to do my first liver flush.
I had terrible headache a few days after my last day on Humaworm. I took the Gerson triad (aspirin, Niacin and Vitamin C) , twice a day for pain relief. It seems walking the dog as soon as I wake up in the morning and 30 minutes before retiring to bed, helped me and the dog to be more calm and relaxed. Now, am feeling a lot better, no more growling/gurling stomach and no more gas, my stools are also well formed. Tomorrow, I am going to do my first liver flush. I also feel those funny crawly, creepy sensations on my face and my head at night (like the worms are crawling to my brain ...   read more

Skipped 4 days of Humaworm. Resumed to enduce menstruation   12 y  
We are also getting the dog used to raw food and also parsley (water as per Hulda Clarks protocol). I will be purchasing pet dewormer and out maintenance family package , but will think about buying either from Humaworm or Barefoot herbalist.
I skipped Humaworm on Day 28, when I was expecting my period, as we were fostering a rescued 9 week old puppy. I dont want the puppy smelling my butt while am menstruating. I walked the puppy as soon as I wake up in the morning and also 30 minutes before I go to bed at night. I did this daily .. and was so happy to see that the walking also helped my digestive system. My poo were well formed and easily passed out without any laxative. Its good to have a break from thinking all day and all night about parasites and also enjoy what life and nature has to offer. I know that dogs and puppies ( ...   read more

Day 22 and 23 now - the day after a sleep over   12 y  
Now its almost 2pm. Took 2 cloves of garlic with my yum pot and planning to take 3 capsules of Humaworm ...beforemy daughters gymnastic class. After her class, we will buy some fruits and veggies as well as coconut oil.
Its been 3 days since my last coffee enema. Boy, am I glad to have normal BM’s without inducing with coffee enema and laxatives? Thanks to good clean diet. Today, I had really really good BM. Nice shape and form. Last Monday (day 21 - instead of an early night), my daughter and I watched Madagascar instead. We had an early dinner of rice and fried chickewm. Of Course we ate popcorn and drank pepsi. She had another one of those bad hotdog sandwiches too. And I also drank coffee after the movie. The next day, Tuesday was busy housework morning for me (didnt have a chance to do fores ...   read more

Still day 21 - taking my 2nd yum pot   12 y  
My yum pot is the cocoa powder, papaya, papaya seed and pineapple shake I made this morning. Divided the shake into 3 pots. I will eat/drink this as if it is a dessert.
My yum pot is the cocoa powder, papaya, papaya seed and pineapple shake I made this morning. Divided the shake into 3 pots. I will eat/drink this as if it is a dessert. God, am craving for starch now. But its almost 6pm, so not bad, my 6 year old will be in bed by 8pm. I will try to have an early night too, so I dont eat anything bad for me. I also put some oregano oil (diluted) into a Q tip and swabbed the inside of my nose and ears. What a relief from the itching and creep crawly sensations. My bottle of oregano oil has run out. I will be making my own oregano oil this time. I w ...   read more

Day 19, 20 and 21 of Humaworm Cleanse   12 y  
Somehow, I feel so clean and light and energetic today. My parents are away for 7 days. So, its just me and my 6 year old daughter in the house. I think I have enough energy for her today...thanks to a clean diet!
Ate all the bad things last saturday and sunday. But drank myT kidney cleansing mixture of (1/2 cup distilled water, 1 tbsp ACV and 1/2 cup of avocado leaves tea). Tried to cleanse all the junk by coffee enema and sweating it out. Saturday morning after our forest walk, we went to the edge of the forest to dig the ground and planted some sweet potato leaves. Sunday morning was church day, in the afternoon I cleaned our sofa with oxygen bleach dissolved in water. It looks good as new. What a productive way to sweat out!! Not much itching on Saturday, but had too much chicken and rice on Su ...   read more

Day 18 Humaworm- Kidney Cleansing with Avocado Leaves Tea   12 y  
if you are doing a parasite cleanse, I strongly encourage you to do forest walking, sun bathe, to help sweat the toxins out while at the same time breathe in fresh air and relax too...then use herbs to cleanse your kidney when the itching and cramping becomes unbearable. Since avocado leaves is available in our area, I use avocado leaves for my kidney cleansing. Use whatever is readily available to you
Started the day with a glass of water and another forest walk for about 1.5 hours (with frequent stops- allowwing us to breathe the fresh forest air). I also took my Humaworm dose and Fennel seed capsules before setting off for the walk. Had chinese noodles and coffee for brunch. After an hour I had 1 shot glass of raw ACV. God it burns!..I chased it with 1 glass of water. after 30 minutes I had green juice followed by 2 cloves of garlic with 1 tsp of honey. Anoter glass of distilled water to drink. Lunch was 2 slices of pineapple, 2 tbsps pumpkin seed. I also have avocado leaves tea (as p ...   read more

Day 17 - Forest Walk   12 y  
we probably have to have long forest walks at least 3 times a week... after the forest walk, I drank green juice, took my Humaworm morning dose, and a clove of garlic (crushed a bit and swallowed with 1/2 tsp honey). After 30 minutes, I ate 3 tbsps of raw pumpkin seeds. Then after an hour I took my lunch of rice, Canned tuna (not very good I know) and cassava leaves.... this afternoon, I had 2 tbsps of raw pumpkin seeds again and green juice. I will try to just eat pineapple for dinner.. then take a coffee enema.
To stop thinking about parasites all days, we went for Forest walk (my parents, myself and my daughter). I took a glass of water before setting off. Lots of things learned today about the benefits of Forest Walk. Aside from relaxation and taking in oxygen, we found out that plants also emit Phytoncides and that plants use Phytoncides to protect themselves from insects and from rotting. Studies in Japan shows that when humans take in Phytoncides, humans get similar benefits... Hmmm... we probably have to have long forest walks at least 3 times a week... after the forest walk, I drank gr ...   read more

My 64 year old father (ex- smoker and alcoholic)   12 y  
Amongst the 4 of us, I see the biggest benefit from Humaworm on my father (who dont acknowledge it anyway). his belly, keeps getting smaller, his heavy breathing (whenever he tries to stand up or sit down) is not noticeable anymore-- in fact it seems he is breathing normally now. I dont hear him snoring so loud at night anymore.
Amongst the 4 of us, I see the biggest benefit from Humaworm on my father (who dont acknowledge it anyway). his belly, keeps getting smaller, his heavy breathing (whenever he tries to stand up or sit down) is not noticeable anymore-- in fact it seems he is breathing normally now. I dont hear him snoring so loud at night anymore. He averages 2-3 bowel movements a day, without the help of laxatives or coffee enema. I wonder what is wrong with me, Nanay and my daughter, that we all have chronic constipation. Must be something that Nanay passed on to me, then I also passed on to my daughter? N ...   read more

Night Time Grinding - 6 years old   12 y  
I noticed that her night time teeth grinding is significantly reduced. Either that or I may be sleeping too soundly that I dont hear it. My mother, who sleeps in the same room, but on another bed, told me that she also noticed that her night time grinding has significantly reduced.
orange juice (freshly juiced) and carrot juice (freshly juiced), watermelon, followed by oatmeal and milo. She dislikes vegetables, but we manage to get her to east at least 3gms of greens everyday. Her preschool milk powder is goats milk. I hope it supplies her the right amount of calcium. I also give her a magnesium phosphate (tissue salt), before she sleepsw. I also have read that Black wallnut hull is good for teeth remineralization...I really hope it does...   read more

My mother finished her 30 day course on my Day 15   12 y  
My mother finished her 30 day course, and she still kept saying she didnt see anything (no worms in her stool), the way she did when she used Paraway last year. Not sure whether she just avoided looking at her stools cause she was too busy or if she really have get rid of her worms due to her 42 day cleanse (Breuss Juice) with daily coffee enema. She also avoided meat and fish for a year. She seldom eat meat, and starch too.
My mother finished her 30 day course, and she still kept saying she didnt see anything (no worms in her stool), the way she did when she used Paraway last year. Not sure whether she just avoided looking at her stools cause she was too busy or if she really have get rid of her worms due to her 42 day cleanse (Breuss Juice) with daily coffee enema. She also avoided meat and fish for a year. She seldom eat meat, and starch too. She purchased organic garlic to supplement during the 90 day waiting period. I might buy another round of Paraway for her.   visit the page

Day 14 of Humaworm Cleanse   12 y  
felt a bit better after drinking my first healthy green drink for the last 4 days. I've readd from a CZ thread that raw green juice also kills parasites...so I have a good enough reason to take this green drink. Tastes good too!.Will sleep early tonight and wake up early tomorrow for a forest walk.. perhaps the pure air will help lighten my mood.
Day 10- I missed my morning dose of Humaworm, so took 3 capsules in the evening and 3 capsules the next morning. I also missed a bowel movement. Day 11- had a coffee enema to move my bowels. Didnt have a goodnight’s sleap so I was quiet on edge the whole day, but Have enough excitement to get me through the day, as I was organizing a baby shower for a friend. Since it is a surprise, the shower was held in our house. Ate all the bad stuff as well, sigh! hard to resist crispy pata (pork knuckles), pork barbeque... tsk! Day 12- watched a play with my daughter and my friend (and her daug ...   read more

Day 6 - a lazy Monday   12 y  
wondering how I can switch my brain off from constant worry (e.g. finances, my mother's cancer, my daughter's future)
Feeling still uninspired about everything. My mother’s cancer is a constant worry. i try my best to lift myself up from depression as my daughter and mother needs me..Anyway, took my morning dose of HW today and gave 1 dose to my dd. Will be eating a slice of pineapple for breakfast. Trying to kick out my coffee habit, but I guess not today. I need this as a clutch to get through the HW cleanse. My stomach is still bloated.. though I feel a bit of improvement in my circulation. Gurgling, lots of gurgling on my stomach. My dd can even hear it. My mother woke up surprisingly late today, hope ...   read more

Day 5 - epsom salt enduced BM   12 y  
took epsom salt water today, have had 2 loose BMs today. taking some supplements (niacin, vitamin C powder, magnesium phosphate), with a cup of goat's milk
After reading the HW forum, I realized I should not be using psyllium husks (at least not yet). So, to induce my BM, I dissolved 2 tsps of epsom salt in a cup of warm water at about 8am, then had breakfast. No more painful anus and painful stomach. But there are still lots of gurgling in my stomach, and the crawly sensations all over my body (is it my imagination)??? I have a loose BM at about 4pm and again at about 8pm. No its past 11pm, and I can hear my stomach grumbling..damn..! are the worms rebelling and making their prescence felt? I do not have enough money to buy additional herbs ...   read more

Day 4 - stressful day --enema induced BM   12 y  
aloe vera and probiotic water enema helped to induce my BM. my legs are cramping, my tummy gassy and bloated. not a good feeling
I knew its going to be a busy Saturday. As soon as I woke up, I took my 2 capsules of Humaworm, and rationed 2 capsules each to my parents as well and 1 small capsule for my daughter. Fearful of my painful anus, I thought, I do not want to take castor oil again. I dissolved 2tbsps of psyllium husk, 1 tbsp of slippery elm and 3 tbsps of aloe vera juice in 1 cup of water. I dranked additional 2 cups of water. No BM this morning. Went to my friend’s house to let Zarah swim with my friend’s daughter. Since its Day 3 of my menstruation, I skipped the pool but had a 10 minute sauna bath. At 4pm ...   read more

Continuation - Day 3 of my Huma Cleanse   12 y  
Had several loose BMs during the day. After lunch, my anus was burning in pain... to the point I was scared to have another BM
After my castor oil induced BM, I gave myself a coffee enema, and had evacuated still a good amount of poo. I went to work and had at least 3 loose BM in the office (I also see the castor oil floating) with it. Again, too grossed out to investigate or take pictures. Just glad that am menstruating and moving my bowels. However, after lunch, my anus was very painful, almost burning and excruciating. Not sure if it is because, I punctured my anus with the enema hose this morning, or I have had too much loose BM today. Either way, it was too painful that I decided to go home, at about 3pm. My ...   read more

Day 3 of my huma cleanse   12 y  
I saw round worms (black in color) peeking out from my brown poo..My menstrual flow is still medium to heavy flow.. a really good uterine clean out.
 Day 3 As soon as I woke up, I took 2 tbsps of castor oil, downed with black coffee. Then drank about 2 glasses of lime water (made from distilled water and bentonite clay). I took freshly squeezed orange juice and jumped on the trampoline. Relaxed a bit, by playing with my daughter. In a few minutes, there was an urge to poo. I used the shower to disect my poo in the toilet. My poo is slightly dark brown. I saw round worms (black) in color peeking out from my brown poo. I am pretty sure they are round worms. Too grossed out to take photos. My menstrual flow is still a medium to he ...   read more

Round 1 - Day 1 and 2 of my Huma Cleanse   12 y  
Humaworm helped to induce my menstruation as I have expected, as it contains wormwood, a well known emmenagogue.
 Day 1 - I  started my first round of Huma Clease on the 7th day of my bowel cleanse (which is also the 7th day of Nanay’s parasite cleanse). I askewd her whether she saw worms in her feces, she said none (but I knew it was because she did not bother to check). She has done a parasite cleanse last year, so she probably thinks, this is not new to her anymore or she thinks Paraway is more effective than Humaworm (sometimes people still judge products by its packaging, much like how people judge books by its cover).I also did not bother to look at my poo.   Day 2 As I ...   read more

Pre- Huma Cleanse   12 y  
before I started on Huma Cleanse I did a bowel cleanse first
Prior to Huma Cleanse, I did a 7 day bowel cleanse first, patterned after Dr. Hulda Clark’s bowe cleanse, but slightly modified as I do not have Betaine HCL. - 2x capsules of fennel seeds + 2x tumeric capsules  ==> 30 minutes before meals - 6 drops of lugols iodine on one glass of water before bed - 1 GNC cascara sagrada before bed - 1 coffee enema at the end of 7 days Each day, I either pee or poo some whitish mucus. Being chronically constipated, being able to poo with not much effort, is a relief ... and very relaxing My mother started on the Huma Cleanse while I ...   read more


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a journal of a 30day Parasite Cleanse for parents, daughter and granddaughter more...

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Created: 12 y   Jun 02 2012


J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
Free S&H.Restore lost reserves.J.CROW’S®Lugol’s Iodine Solut...

Cloves & Wormwood
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Remove Parasites and Worms
Get rid of the life suckers!

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