Re: what are we?... what we eat
Just my opinion, but even MH frequently mentions that in his previous life, he grew up on a dairy farm, and to this day does not eat "right" all day, every day, 24-7. This tells me that without him being specific, and despite his otherwise healthy barefoot philosophy, there are still times when he enjoys the indisrections of down-on-the-farm home cooking. His kids, well that's a different situation, seems like he has had the chance pretty much from day one to raise them entirely the natural way. MH, do (or have) your kids ever partake in any meat, eggs, bread, milk, cooked vegetables, or the like of typcial western diet, ever? Did such nasties as Gerbers or Kellogs ever pass their lips?
For us adults who've probably and unknowingly grown up in the degernative influences of American culture, diet lifestyle, changing to the barefoot philophy is probably not something to be done instantly, over night, with 100% total success. Going out on a fairly firm limb here, am assuming that many of us that frequent this forum have spent most if not all of their lives acting (eating) upon the influences that surround us - family, media, friends, media, corp Agri, hollywood, corp fast food, media, corp Pharma, Oprah, government, media, etc, consuming the Western diet usually high in meat, grease (especially fake), dairy (super-size the hormones and steroids, please!), empty calories but lots of them, refined sugar (or worse yet, Aspartame or Splenda), soft drinks (that ironically are quite hard on one's innards) and all the trappings of GM, additives, preservatives, and of course, the "it's the american way" signature - routine over consumption. By all means, any one who can manage to escape this, over night, without fail and for the rest of you life, sane, without going homicidal, by all means, do it and God bless you!
Speaking for myself, being middle aged and only having first discovered this forum a few months ago, not trying to be negative, just practical in saying I don't have any expectation to automatically switch over to a diet of only fruits/berries/nuts and herbs for the rest of my life, without fail, and without severe repercussions. This would be something for me to pull off after 40 plus years, but I suspect that instead I'd end up killing myself in the process, either accidentally or not, which would sort of defeat the purpose. Meanwhile, I have and hope to continue merging, gradually, some of MH's philosophy into my daily diet; plus I have yet to figure out how I'm going to reliably get fruits and berries on a regular basis during the winter months without going mail-order or Organic broke in the process. Ideals are nice, in theory, but around here where I am they have a habit of crashing headfirst into practical everyday realities, so all the better for me to plan for and expect them.
So as far as "what are we?" pertains to me, there is not much I can do to change how I got to where I am today. EDIT: in a way, us adults who'e been going along programmed into the western diet we partake in, we sort of have to reverse engineer our selves, all the while getting help from the 'natural way', to get to where we want to be - more healthy. For instance, you mentioned the Candida issue, and it being exacerbated by acid/fruits. I'm taking your word on this since I don't know, but my guess is, part of the reason that people end up with Candida is from a diet that includes dead/fried/cooked foods, plus I'm pretty sure that supplementing this diet with mainstream pharma and anti-biotics also contributes to the Candida issue. sort of sounds like a catch-22, but you will probably find that with some genuine attention to flushing the eliminitive organs, plus a better focus on drinking good water, eating less meat / sugar / flour / dairy, supplemented with Herbs as called for, the natural way can provide an escape from the Candida problem. END EDIT. But, there is hope to slowly try weaning myself away from where I am to where I want to be, just a bit more healthy than yesterday, dietwise, with a bit less focus on fake, chemicals, additives, meat, dairy and sugar, a little more focus on basic nutrition - water and fruits. All the while, I'm pretty certain that somewhere down the road the future will still provide an occasional T-bone medium well, or something from the BBQ grill, perhaps a sweet potato slathered with butter and brown sugar, or double-dip of butter pecan.... just a hunch.