since my amalgum replacement i now realize it is much better to just remove teeth that had any involvment with metals. and simply use dentures to be able to eat. this i tell even teens as the replacement plastics hold there own chemicles .as years go by younger and younger children will be stuffed ful of mercury. false teeth at 17 wont be uncommon for the solution and thats only if they learn metal is the culpret to most ALL sickness. wow 30 years ago people would have laughed at this statement but it is NOW a reality. can a set of third teeth grow I personaly dont here of this much infact never. All this being said i know that in the future with embryo testing and growing samples dentist will be able to inject your gum with dna and a new tooth will grow. but president bush is not allowing this embryo studying so for now its illegal yet other contrys are studying it