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Re: ozoneman Please: ozone output regulation
soil111 Views: 5,512
Published: 18 y
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Re: ozoneman Please: ozone output regulation

Thank you ozoneman! you are man of the ozone.

1. I think reliability of ozone output concentration control by the oxygen inflow will depend on the products? and one shall use it cautiously by try it? and how about the electronic output control? Synergy provide one on ebay now, I remember you or someone else said it's not that reliable. do you know the mechanism behind this device? (the ASO 250 on your web site has a adjustable ozone output Rheostat, I assume that's the same output control device?)

2. about the fuzz about Silent Pulse Injection Cold Corona Discharge. I read the product info on your web site, both Synergy and Max said they use this Silent Pulse Injection Cold Corona Discharge, which suppose create little heat, so Synergy don't have cooling fan, but Maxi has dual cooling fan. while POG only said High Frequency Cold Corona Discharge. I kind of assume this is just another marketing buzz. or is it real different?

3. This really clarified me. so, when those protocol call for 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, it's really concern about oxygen inflow rate (or is it about the air pressure?), not output ozone rate? but isn't amount of ozone also very important? I think may be it combine effect, as follow:

example for Maxi:
1/8 lpm - 80 ug/ml
1/16 lpm - 90 ug/ml
1/32 lpm - 120 ug/ml

when combine:
1/8 x 80 = 10 mg/min
1/16 x 90 = 5.6 mg/min
1/32 x 120 = 3.75 mg/min

so when use 1/32 inflow rate, even though the output ozone concentration is higher, the total pure ozone is less. Am I right?



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