ozoneman Please: ozone output regulation
Hi Ozoneman,
Thanks for your great effort in educating the ozone. I've read a lot of your post. I got some question about the control of ozone output, hope you can help me clarify:
You mention in one of your post the POG from Azco, I compared it with the Longevity EXT50, they do seem look alike. And the EXT50 use the same oxygen inflow as the way to control ozone output as the POG does. Does not Synergy can do the same by control the oxygen inflow by the regulator?
Since sell both, what your opinion about POG vs. Synergy? I know this may no be a good question since you sell both.
Another elementary level question if you can help me: why higher the oxygen in flow, the lower the ozone output? Some protocol like insufflations need lower flow rate, I assume it refer to the oxygen inflow? But then that mean a higher ozone output? I’m really confused.
Thanks in advance