Hello soil111
Good questions! You're getting it.
------I think reliability of ozone output concentration control by the oxygen inflow will depend on the products?------
Absolutely correct
-----how about the electronic output control? Synergy provide one on ebay now, I remember you or someone else said it's not that reliable.------
The output control knob on the basic Synergy double cell unit IMO is not reliable for medical use, nor is the output control on the ASO 250. Both are simple potentiometers that control the frequency to the corona field. The Synergy is available with a better control but I cannot vouch for it's accuracy. You would have to check with the manufacturer.
-------High Frequency Cold Corona Discharge. I kind of assume this is just another marketing buzz. or is it real different?------
Simple answer, no difference, mostly marketing buzz. All ozone cells are susceptible to changes in output due to operating and room temperatures and will vary slightly in output as temperature changes. The reason I use fans on the Maxi is to stabilize this effect as much as possible. The slower the O2 flow through any machine, the less efficient it becomes because the O2 is not cooling the cell as much as at a higher flow rate. The POG has electronics built in which stabilize the efficiency at different flow rates. The Synergy and Maxi do not. The efficiency factor is not to be confused with ozone concentration at various flow rates. It is simply the ability of the machine to transfer oxygen to ozone at a given flow rate. All machines have an efficiency factor that is greatest within a narrow range of O2 flow, so output is not linear or logarithmic.
------I think may be it combine effect, as follow:-------
Again, you're absolutely correct. If you combine the specification for any given machine at a particular rate of oxygen flow,this will determine the output concentration in gamma or mcg/ml. Each machine is different, so you must use it's specifications as a guide for concentration. Very expensive machines are calibrated for output, have built-in oxygen flow meters, and offer accurate settings for greater control of concentration beyond simply oxygen flow. These machines start at over $1500.00 and go up to $10,000.00
-------so when use 1/32 inflow rate, even though the output ozone concentration is higher, the total pure ozone is less. Am I right?--------
Not completely right. The total amount of ozone produced by the machine is constant with the only variable being the temperature of the cell and thereby it's efficiency. As the temperature of the cell increases due to a lesser cooling effect with low O2 flow, the efficiency is less even though the concentration is higher. That is why the Maxi uses fans and the POG uses electronics to help stabilize this effect.
I hope this helps