Thanks for posting Dex. I have watched the movie "The secret" about six weeks ago and it made me feel so good, hopeful to overcome one particular problem which I had been focusing on instead of what I want. Of course, the problem got bigger! I noticed good things happening within days of changing my focus on what I want, away from the thing I didnt want. I noticed improvement. But then it didnt seem to continue the way I expected and I found myself falling back into the habit of trying to solve my problem by thinking on how to fix it and feeling depressed about feeling helpless. I started talking to a couple people close to me and so we all focused on it, and I was given the advice to accept that it just wont work out and that I needed to accept it. One friend was very concerned about me not wanting to see the "truth". I got more depressed. Today, I found my way back to this forum because I felt I needed support to stop sabotaging my future by continuing this negative thinking once again. Maybe I need to watch the movie again to get me back on track. So much is on the line for me. I really enjoy your contributions to this forum - I am sure it will help people stay focused on their wants :) I hope it will make this forum more active as well.