17 y
Holy Moly Shroom! These are great photos!
Okey dokey. The first one looks like a May Fly to me. Or a Texas Size Mosquito.
You say it's a crystal. Please to know what the cover slippery periphery means?
It seems like I can feel this kind of thing going on at the surface level when bloodroot comes in contact. It feels like something... kind of like.... stands at attention, as if a fiber suddenly turns into an eeeeeeensy weeeeeeeensy tiny little invisible needle, or more like a long cactus quill.
Sometimes what I feel is big enough to barely see because of the length, but it is like looking at glass or something transparent because they are so narrow. A needle-like one, that was standing at attention, popped off my tongue one time, and disappeared when it hit the counter top. I couldn't find, to save it, although I looked and looked.
And when they are (playing?) dead, they seem more like teensy weensy little bubble gum stringy things. I pulled a dead one off the end of my tongue and it strettttcccccchhhhhhhhhhhhed, then let go of me, rolled up into a tiny little sticky ball that was smaller than the head of a pin, and disappeared like lotion when I tried to get it off my finger into a vial.
I guess maybe it sounds crazy. But I definitely feel weird stuff going on when I take anti-parasiticals.