personal regret
Wow, like a confessional.
You know being from a protestant denomination, I never did much confession, but I think it's time I start.
My regrets thus far in my young life (26) include, harboring resentment and animosity towards people that have not been nice to me over the years. Particularly when I wasn't feeling good, and had no idea what was wrong with me. Really, I shouldn't have even been working. However, I was in a physically demanding job, and just couldn't handle any amount of stress. After a short while, I get tired, and just sort of zone out. The employers started to yell, and rant and rave. To this day, I still think of these people at least once a day, and it causes stress. Here are their names. All of them A$$holes.
Dan Day (Wenatchee WA, futures construction)
Bob Kay (Waterfall Resort, Prince of Whales, AK)
Sandra (First class Bi$ch) Lives on Lake Washington, Seattle. The kind of person that will keep you on edge every second you are in her presence.
Am I to blame too? In all likelehood. Am I overly sensitive. Probably. Does it suck to be indoctrinated into the working world? Yes.