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Re: Herpes connected to arterial blockage/ heart attacks??? Scared now!
  Views: 4,834
Published: 18 y
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Re: Herpes connected to arterial blockage/ heart attacks??? Scared now!

Could it be a false positive? It's posible, I read it can happen, those tests are not 100%. I would be hopeful. You are so lucky you never had an outbreak, it's been tough for me. I assume your ex never had one either? You are right, I don't wish it upon anybody, I just feel that life can be unfair since I only had 2 sex partners in my life and I know people had one night stands, who had significantly more partners... Statistics should be on my side :-)
My ex never had any symptoms either but he did have oral herpes so I wonder if I got HSV1 through oral sex. He has been with a few people since we broke up so he could have picked it up recently and not have had symptoms.


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