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Romeo - have you tried this?
High on Water Views: 2,152
Published: 18 y
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Romeo - have you tried this?

Eating a very good healthy diet, and drinking lots of water is excellent, and yet will also release lots of toxins into your kidneys - if the kidneys or bowels get backed up, your whole body can react negatively, including getting nasty headaches.

You need to determine first if you are urinating well and having regular bowel movements (more than once a day).

You can still have a lot of toxins in the kidneys if you are urinating, it's just that I want to ensure your kidneys ARE functioning properly.

Now then, for what can help: I have personally spent a LOT of money on chiropractors, and have learned that toxic overload CAN cause (in ME anyway) a real "need" to go visit my chiropractor. However, I have learned with the following protocols, if I actually do them do the exact instructions and do not deviate from the instructions, I have gotten rid of some nasty nasty headaches! (I have also been an Excedrin ABUSER, getting headaches up to three times a week!)

This protocol works quite well for me - however, I have found that with the really really nasty headaches I have needed to do this the full THREE TIMES, and drinking 16 ounces of water EACH TIME, and using 1/2 tsp of MY Seasalt OF CHOICE with EACH TIME. I set my timer for 30 minutes between "each time". The biggest drawback, is that you're hurting so bad that drinking even 4 ounces of warm salty water can seem really yucky - but when you feel that headache literally "melting" away, you will then realize that it is SOOOO worth it!!!

Here's the link:

(and yes, I learned about this on the Iodine forum, but I have also done this protocol when I took a "break" from iodine, and it still worked for me)

Of course, I encourage everyone to check out the Iodine forums, as I happen to believe that most of us are deficient in that element.

Good luck, and God speed. I understand your pain, ENTIRELY!


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