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When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.
pb3046 Views: 2,218
Published: 18 y
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When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.

I went to the doctor, my chiropractor,practically in tears telling him I had a tumor on my right hip. It was a hard raised spot that had stayed for several days. It turned out to be a muscle spasm, not a tumor and the above subject line is what he said to me.

Headaches are no fun, that is sure, and they will often cause sore sports on your head. Since you don't think it is caffeine related, do a couple of salt flushes to see if that relieves it (and you will know it is toxin related), get your blood pressure checked and keep it checked, make sure you have plenty of magnesium in your diet, and if all that doesn't help, go to the doctor and get a tumor or aneurysm ruled out. I will tell you their answer to headaches is almost always palliative and usually narcotics, but at least your worst fears can be ruled out.

I will say to you that the person who told you that caused you more stress, and therefore, more headaches, and indeed was thinking zebras. However, if you can't get the idea out of your head, rule it out with an MRI.


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