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Re: Chelation - Glutathione & B12 Nebulizer
AHarleyGyrl Views: 9,675
Published: 18 y
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Re: Chelation - Glutathione & B12 Nebulizer

I can tell you that when I had mercury poisoning very bad from my amalgams, I took a 100mcg pill of B12 and crushed it up and swallowed.  I was trying to manipulate a mercury test I was getting because I heard B12 chelates it a lot and to avoid it.  Well, I was never so sick in my life.  It is truly one of the worst ills I have ever experienced.  If you have amalgams, you are supposed to avoid B12.  Buy the book "It's All In Your Head" by Hal Huggins.  It says in there.  You should try to avoid things that chelate mercury while you have amalgams.  Glutathione is another chelator.  The combo is not good if you have mercury fillings. 

What you are experiencing is mercury poisoning and it often feels like you have the flu or like you drank some poison.  Chelators pull mercury out of your teeth and brain, organs, lymphatic system and circulate them.  If you do not take the right kind of chelators it can redistribute the mercury instead of excreting it from the body.  But, either way, it can make you very ill.  The following shows a list of what chelates mercury:

Chelation of Mercury




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