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Re: FAQs: NUCLEAR ATTACK OR NUCLEAR EVENT or Nuclear Plume Contamination—DO THIS…

Kidney Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Kidney Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Ladylove Views: 3,289
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 953,256

Re: FAQs: NUCLEAR ATTACK OR NUCLEAR EVENT or Nuclear Plume Contamination—DO THIS…

What follows is an adaptation of an email I forwarded recently to many in my address book in an effort to wake people up without scaring them.

I am posting it here, slightly modified, for the benefit of all who are interested:

Dear All,

I am posting this link to you because I think it points to information that is good to have in today's uncertain world, and I felt it was the right thing to do to spread it around.

If folks in Chernobyl had had this information, doubtless tens of thousands more would still be alive today.

The free-to-download book whose link I have included here, NWSS, is a very famous and definitive, spoken-for-the-grassroots work on how normal civilians can keep themselves as safe as possible in the event of a nuclear accident or any other nuclear event. It contains priceless information on Things You Need To Know, coping with and preparing for many other undesirable possibilities, as well as the nuclear variety.

This free download also contains the illustrations in the book, which were unavailable in previous downloads.

Although the thrust of the book is toward a nuclear event, much of the contents could also be applicable to a tornado shelter, food preservation and preparedness in case of flood, airborne chemical contamination events, power preparedness, etc.- Invaluable for those with children or families who like to cover their bases, and who don't want to be caught by surprise.

If I had children/husband/wife/etc., I would appreciate someone drawing my attention to this information. That's why I have sent it to you.

Also I am posting it because you are likely to listen.

Therefore I suggest that you download this 6.08MB, pdf book, whose title is "Nuclear War Survival Skills", by Cresson Kearny:

In addition, there is an informal World Health Organization document (39 Pages long) which discusses some of what was learned from the Chernobyl Incident, including suggested preventive dosages for those of all ages, including infants.
It too is available as a free download at:

Ref sources for Potassium Iodine, Potassium Iodate, etc.:
My suggestion is to get Potassium Iodate (KIO3) of *USP grade only*, from a local chemical supply house (Ask a local College Chemistry teacher, or just look in your Yellow Pages) wherever you are, rather than ordering pills off the web. This will be FAR less expensive. You can spend a fortune on those pills if you want, but if you go the way I am suggesting, for $50. you can protect the entire neighborhood if you want to.

The NWSS (Nuclear War Survival Skills) book above contains complete and straightforward instructions for how to mix it and use it safely. It's easy.

The shelf life of KI (Potassium Iodide)and KIO3 (Potassium Iodate) is apparently almost indefinite.

KIO3 (Potassium Iodate) is easier for children to keep down, whereas they may throw up the Iodide form. This was discovered, unfortunately, in the Chernobyl accident.

Some other pertinent info:

Here is a list of where Nuclear Reactors are located within the USA today:

And here is a map of where Nuclear Reactors are located within the USA:

I do not have any particular reason for posting this info, other than I want you to have it, in case you are interested.

Good Health to All of Us,

Ladylove :)
PS: This is also posted under a different title on the higher-dose Iodine Supplementation Forum -L

PPS: It's not about fear. It's about knowing what to do in advance.


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