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Re: a question for long-timers
warthog Views: 1,492
Published: 18 y
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Re: a question for long-timers

Great ideas.

I just wrote down my own statements on paper, like
"I will eliminate waste from my system as soon as it needs to happen."

Last night, before sleep, I thought to myself, in the most positive way possible, "I will heal, I will cleanse, bad stuff will come out of my body"...weird thing is, I get some result when I think this way. One time, it was the soreness in my upper arm, exactly where I've had things like tetanus shots, I realized later. This time, it was a weird bruise on my foot I noticed yesterday - today it's very red & larger but not any more painful. Very odd. Unfortunately, it didn't mean I had a bowel movement.

I have realized, consciously anyway, that I probably shouldn't fret & worry over not having a BM every day. I should try to help things and not make things more difficult for my body, but I shouldn't mull over "what did I do wrong??" as it only seems to make things worse.

I know LNDolls, over on the Iodine supplementation forum, often mentions her dancing :)
We got some more yoga that I have variety and ones with shorter workouts, I will be more inclined to follow them.

I have a tremendous self-inflicted emotional burden that I am not working hard enough or fast enough on certain projects in my life. I keep trying not to do this, but it seems like a huge daily battle. I probably don't allow myself enough rest OR exercise. I usually manage to get enough hours of sleep, at least.

I haven't seen the infomercial for Hip Hop Abs...I don't watch TV, except for commercial-free shows or movies on DVD...I feel much better not watching TV.



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