Does ozonated oil kill adult worms as well as the eggs everywhere in the body? Please anyone who can off advice.
Half a year ago I traveled in East Africa for a couple months. When I got home, I did an intestinal detox and discovered I had worms; they were coming out dead.
That was May- since them I've tried everything religiously to kill these guys. Been using all the alternative natural therapies- everything Dr. Clark recommends. I've been tested for ascaris- but I believe that I have another kind of worm that isn't widely known about.
I am working with Self Health Resource Center associated with Dr. Clark- and they've told me to start the mop up program even though I have adults all over my body.
I have worms/ & what other mysterious
parasite that can't be tested- everywhere in my body, I feel them: all over every part of digestive system, including kidney's, adrenals, my lungs, breasts, hips, butt cheeks, pubic area, down front and back of center of my legs, ankles, shoulders, upper arms near the elbow, through out my lower and upper back, back and front of sides of my neck, all over my face- below and above my lips, cheeks, sides of my face, my under eyes, my eye balls, and scalp and I believe they may be in my heart now- because I have pain there.
I haven't noticed a big difference with the ozonated oil, but I've only been taking it for a week. Can it kill everything I have?
I am very fortunate that I've been so mentally clear and feeling so courageous during this ordeal, but I do have moments of great sadness and helplessness. I've spent 4 months researching worms and treatments, but is there something I'm missing?
Any suggestions would be so appreciated.