Re: Does ozonated oil kill adult worms as well as the eggs everywhere in the body? Please anyone who can off advice.
This is so brilliant! Thank you it's been a great experience coming to this forum; the support is rich and has been something I deeply needed.
This is really wonderful- thank you for taking the time; I'm really touched.
I'm really excited again- this is wonderful, and I think the suggestion about putting the ozonated oil on my skin is perfect- because they feel very close to the surface. When you have these things slithering through/on your body, an itch will never be an itch again, or a twitch will never be meaningless.
This past full moon was horrific, they were slithering through out my face, in my eyes, and then the facial twitching started. It was like a circus on my face. It seemed like very muscle in my face was rebounding back and forth. I grabbed my zapper had held it to my face on and off all night long.
Okay- what is an orgone pyramid? I'll do some research on the net. Where can I buy one?
Is it possible to do an enema with ozonated oil and water? What about ozonating caster oil, freezing it in veggie caps and taking 10 of them before I go to sleep. Right now I take the regular frozen caster oil caps to help flush down and push out the worm nests. Have you or any one out there ozonated caster oil?
Will update you soon.