Another Breakthrough Point
I have been sticking with the L/GB and the K/B tinctures and teas. As you know from this long thread that I started with the full liver protocol then the full kidney protocol. Now I am generally taking one or two droppersful of the L'GB tincture a day, because I have jaundice issues. (To be honest, now, I don't know for sure if it was an issue since the first liver flush. I think actually there were slight symptoms before hand. Only when I take the tincture, my skin looks normal in color and really radient.) I also take the K/B detox tea, and the k?b tincture. Maybe one or two glasses a day.
I still have some pains in my mid back area. Edema if I dont drink the teas. I have been having pretty intense head aches on either side but not both, but I feel like it is a detox issue and that I really can't go much slower than I am on the detox. Of course, I COULD, but I am willing to see this through right now.
I have been having hayfever symptoms with the KB detox tea. Very itchy eyes. My eyes tear and sting.
Anyway, two nights ago I ate a spicy okra dish and a chicken korma dish. Okra is supposed to be good for the liver detox.
Within five minutes or so, I got completely congested in my nose, my eyes were itchy and I got sort of spacy and tired. This didn't go away, even the next morning I was congested. I also had really painful forearms, almost like restless leg syndrome, but it felt almostlike the bones hurt. I kept on having to hit them to alieviate the pain. Finally, I took a bunch of magnesium and potassium and it helped the arms.
Then, mid morning I ate the leftovers and the symptoms intensified and then broke. I was no longer congested and the itchiness left. A few hours later I tasted the very last of the left overs, eating one ingredient at a time, the cashew, the chicken, the onion, the okra, to see what sort of reaction I would get.
Nothing caused me to react. I have not had the allergy symptoms since. I have had one cup of the kb detox tea today and no reaction at all. I was tired the entire next day and my back was really tight. It was the muscles this time and not the kidneys. My skin looked pretty good without taking any tinctures and took the tea in the evening.
Then, just now, I drank a TBS of
Epsom Salt (I am going to do a single
Liver Flush tonight) in a cup of water and I got stuffed up slightly and a tiny itch in my eye. Then about ten minutes later, this left. But I also got really tired and a bit spacy, which didn't go away. Also a bit of a head ache on left side.
So I am hoping that this episode broke the allergy reactions. I guess the okra and the spice helped?