The chemical problems I have/had are the same ones you have stated. I took anitboitics for a simple bacterial problem but after 3 pills they scourced my system and my health went down hill and never fully recovered. this is after 5 hospital visits in a year.
I could not stand the sun getting to my eyes as they would water so much, I would get a temperature of 101 in 2 hrs with no other symptoms. I crawled to someone else's computer and realised that my orginal symptoms were CFS/ME. but I was wrongly diagnosed.
Senstivites just mounted up everywhere. My nose hurt like hell or gave me chronic hayfever if anyone was wearing chemical based purfumes while at work, or if I had to sit near anyone in a meeting/movies.
Read a lot about Dr.Schulzes stuff and the fact that immune system was just not working meant I had to use the echineaca stuff a lot( one bottle in 2 days). So I put that in with any hot drinks from time to time, with the hot baths/hydrotherapy stuff.
I measure my self from year to year now, and can see that there are minor improvements but very noticable ones. such as the level of migraines have subsided, so that I finish a sentence and concentrate, and still not have to be indoors with the curtains drawn.
I still have not walked into a carpet shop over the last 3 yrs to see if my throat swells up and makes me feel nuaseas. 3 yrs a ago I noticed this when I was looking for vinyl floor covering, so I had to get out of the shop as my eyes and nose was running and thought I might throw up if I did not get quick.
I am just working up to doing more juicing now, so that I can get to another level of health.Reading more about the raw food diet for more help now.