I know that Epsom Salts (mag sulfate) relax the bile ducts. In fact, I can FEEL it. But I was wondering if magnesium citrate can do the same thing? I know a lot of people take Mag citrate the for their "morning after" dose of magnesium, and obviously it produces diarrhea like Epsom Salt, but does it also have the positve relaxation effect on the ducts?
I've been looking it up on the net and I know that all types of magnesium can relax muscles. But I don't know if that is the same when when we are talking about liver and bile ducts. (I believe they are called "smooth muscles").
Maybe someone like Telman who seems to have a good grasp of the biochemistry of the entire flush process may be able to answer this. But I would much appreciate input from anyone who knows anything about it.