Re: please advise on my personal protocol
First, I’d like to say thank you all for so much concern and support. You all are incredible and it is people such as yourselves that bring so much hope to this world. I just got back from a desert retreat for the last two days and I come back to all of this. WOW! So, where do I begin? I suppose I’ll take them in order.
1st - Torrie, I thoroughly covered alivizatos Greek site and once again spoke with Teresa who recommends that I speak with a doctor at the hospital after further consideration. I will call once again today for counseling with a Doc. Apparently you and your family were treated there and had some pretty positive results. I’m presently in the Reno area, but will be leaving for north Idaho by Tuesday. If I decide on their clinic/hospital, I can prepare in the mountains of Idaho where I have an abundance of fresh air and water, along with tranquility and peace. Something so desperately needed. Thanks and I love your enthusiasm.
2nd – Thanks DM for the Wilson site. And yes, I do plan on seeing a naturopath while passing through Boise. I also have family there as well, so I will be visiting Boise occasionally, so establishing a rapport with a practitioner there would be good. Thanks again.
3rd – Anxious1, a professional herbalist as well as a naturopath? Good call. I didn’t consider putting an herbalist into the mix. And honestly, that is one of my biggest obstacles right now. Understanding what works well with what, And what doesn’t. I’ll make some calls tomorrow. Thanks.
4th - Naturalist, the Dr. Mercola site is incredible. So much information. One could spend weeks on it. I took the metabolic typing test and will see what happens after I get the results. Along with Anxious1’s advice on the Pro Herbalist, I should be able to put something pretty good together. I also ordered the book, “Metabolic Typing Diet”.
I did a liver cleanse last week which consisted of a mix of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice (organic) and Epson salts (twice), followed by olive oil (organic) and grapefruit juice, followed by another dose of juice and salt. It cleaned me out good, but not so sure if I should be putting Epson salt into my body at this point? Anyway, just sticking with the
coffee enemas for now (that is until I start with the
Oleander Soup again). I have been taking the pancreatic enzymes, but yes, I do need to increase the dosage. Done.
You're too kind to offer your financial assistance to me. God surely works through you. It is blessings enough to just hear/read your words of advice. I will be fine, thank you so much anyway for the offer.
5th – White Shark (I love White Sharks, it’s always been a dream of mine to go down in a cage with White sharks all around me. I use to SCUBA dive and shark dives were one of my favorite and most memorable dives. But diving with white tips, grey reefs and bronze whalers is a bit different than Whites. Need a cage for the big boys).
Of everything listed in my supplements, all are capsules except for the Cat’s Claw, Kelp, Maitake Gold, and Pau D’ Arco, which are all tinctures. As far as the
Liver Flush goes. I’ll look through your list of flushes and try to find one that doesn’t include Epson Salt. My diet consists of mainly juices (primarily carrot) and greens. About once a week I’ll have some fish or a hard boiled egg in one of my salads. I use only organic olive oil and apple cider vinegar for my dressing. I have been eating nuts as well, but I suppose I should cut back on the nut intakes. Except for almonds, which I should probably continue eating on a limited basis. I avoid processed
Sugar like the plague, but I’m still confused on the amount of natural sugars, such as fruits, is acceptable? In spite of my ignorance, I’ve been eating about 1-2 pieces of fruit daily. The fruits are usually a banana and apple. Maybe I should cut back? Maybe I should increase the amount? I haven’t been drinking any fruit juices other than about 4
oz. daily of pomegranate. Physical activities. Well, I do some daily weight (moderate) lifting and ride my bike about 3-5 miles daily (if feeling up to it). I hike about 1-2 times weekly, and have started a Yoga program just recently. Talk about a klutz! I hope 6’-3”, 210 lb. guys aren’t suppose to be graceful. At least not at 51. Environment? I hear ya WS. That’s why I’m headed to north Idaho. Total bliss. That is until winter arrives. Be good WS – peace.
6th – Mamacatpatch(can you please explain your handle?) you are very perceptive. I am afraid. But not of dying. Just not living to the fullest and not seeing my son graduate from college or my daughter walk down the aisle or not bouncing my unborn grandchildren on my knee. There’s so much to live for an in spite of my obvious fear, I plan on beating this and living for another 20-30 years.
I think I’m on track with the diet, but regardless of my frequent alkalizer, I can’t seem to keep my acidity down. I typically range around 6.2 – 6.8. If I test about 40 minutes after taking my alkalizer or drinking Aloe Vera juice, I can hit around 7.0 for an hour or so. I don’t understand? Anyway, thanks for the concern and encouraging words.
7th – Luella, you’re a jewel. I wish I could hug you!
I haven’t taken any
Oleander for three days now and I feel much better. I’ve also cut back on the H2O2, Cat’s Claw, and Iodine. I’ve been attempting to isolate the cause of the nausea by trying each individually starting with small dosages and increasing daily. As of today, the Cat’s Claw and
Iodine seem to be okay. I’ve given up on the oral
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) and
Oleander all together. I was taking the Oleander for about one week, starting with just a couple of drops under my tongue, twice daily. I increased it to three times daily, and then worked it up gradually to a teaspoon. It was at that point (10 days) that the nausea took affect. So after about three days of the full dose and feeling like I’d been eaten by a wolf and pooped of a cliff, I stopped. While taking at full dose, I was adding it to pomegranate juice, but I was also adding all the other tinctures as well. Maybe the combination was doing it? Anyway, I plan on starting with the Oleander again tomorrow with minor doses (quarter teaspoon twice daily) and stick with it for a couple of weeks before increasing. I also cut all the other CK out for a few weeks for the exception of the Beta Glucan, IP6 & inositol and the oleander. I’ll get a new batch of fresh cut Oleander from my niece in Cali and prepare it exactly as Dr. Swanepoel prescribes. It’s possible that I didn’t clean it as thoroughly as I should have last time. I used coffee filters (non-bleached) to filter last time. I suppose I’ll go with the sheets next time around.
No oatmeal…that sucks. Okay, fine…give me another shot of wheat grass juice…wheat grass juice is okay, isn’t it? Barley green, yum. I’m on it! Milk thistle/dandelion mix over Triphala. Okay. I started with the Triphala about two months ago because my hospice care provider pointed it out along with some research stating recent clinical findings that it is effective against cancer. Nevertheless, I will discontinue for now. Please thank Marc for me and once again, thank you all for your kindness. Peace - Rory