Re: dental bridge with paladium with amalgam under the crowns.
Hi Torrie,
He didn't place the bridge, so I"m not sure if he'd have the info. The bridge was inserted about 7 years ago, so I'm nicely poisened by now. Interestingly, the other dentist who placed it has moved on to orthodontics. When I rang his office some weeks ago to try and get my dental records for my new dentist, the office staff were SO GUARDED, they told me that my records were "LOST"!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. I said after a while talking on the phone, are you trying to keep something from me ? to which they said ofcourse not. Then I rang the new dentist and told them I was trying to access my records and explained the story. They contacted the old dentist and suddenly my records were "un-lost". Amazing isn't it??
I found the new dentist's response, although guarded today, at least helpful and concerned. He was concerned enough to at least give me a referral elsewhere. I also should try and get the materials known as you say. How could I proceed do you think to find out what exactly is in my mouth? Anyway, I will go off to this second appt on the 27th and report back. I would very much like the amalgam removed under this bridge and at least have some consent and knowledge about what goes into my mouth next time. I won't bore you with my symptoms which many of us know about.
xox thanks again for listening and your interest.