dental bridge with paladium with amalgam under the crowns.
Dear Torrie
Aside from all of my other dental issues, I have a long span metal bridge made with palladium/platinum. Under one of the anchor teeth I have an amalgum. That tooth particularly tastes metalic.
I went to the dentist today and he refused to consider removal of the bridge and replace with a full ceramic saying removal (before it falls out naturally) will weaken the anchor teeth. He also cited long span bridges (2 missing teeth) cannot accomodate a full ceramic type bridge and must have some metal in it for strength. He also denied the anchor tooth with amalgam could be leaking or reacting with the other metals bonded to it giving me the metal taste.
Anyway, he was slightly sympathetic and has referred me to a specialist in dental prostethics who might be able to "do something" in changing the bridge to something less toxic.
Do you have any tips as to what I could achieve? I would like this bridge out. If he insists on a metal bridge, do you know what would be the best option if I can't opt for a full ceramic? I also need to get the amalgam removed from the anchor tooth.
Many thanks for all your expertise and help.
P.S I am also supplementing low dosages with iodine following big issues with thyroid relating to mercury poisening and several root canals. Hope this is doing more good than harm.
Many thanks, Peggy