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Re: yes!

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

rabbitears Views: 1,610
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 951,702

Re: yes!

Or should we look at the immune system as one big package, support every area and cross your fingers and hope that it will kick in some day?

> I actually like to think of the immune system as one big package, too but not that it will "kick in some day". It is working all the time for us. There are several thoughts about the immune system and its role. If your confused, you're not alone -- I think even the experts are too. I posted something above on the immune system.

Then I wonder, is it true that someting makes the body to be in a constant fight mode and a ramped up immune system? (that must be tearing for the body?)
And what is that something that triggers it? But then, the body is certainly not fighting the right thing for sure, the "trigger". Is it blind? it is being blinded?

The immune system is like this person who steps in to a room with a machine gun and just fires around like crazy, not looking where he shoots. The pistol shots are just raining all over, pam pam pam! And the target is hiding somewhere else.

Good question on if the immune system is blind. That's an interesting thought! I wouldn't necessarily say that the immune fires out something indiscriminately either. It is a system that will target "foreign" invaders. Perhaps "foreign" is our key word to look at. For instance, if you got bitten by a bee, bug or snake -- your immune system will fight the venom as a foreign invader. The venom isn't a biological entity.

Here's a thought... I believe we can say that all parasites are biological entities. We are also biological entities. PERHAPS the immune system doesn't recognize other biological entities when it enters the body as a "foreigner". Isn't the cellular make up of worms similar to humans?

I also know that the brain is tricked when parasites cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). When it does recognize that there is a problem in its environment, it will do something about the invader. This often happens when cysts from parasites are present, but by then the parasite has already done its damage. When the brain realizes that there is a problem it will try to throw them out, seizures and fever would be a mechanism of defense.


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