Re: ~Follow up on Coke's Claim It's Good for Hydration~
To coin the phrase, I am the product of my enviornmnet. The immediate environment? Starting from the time of first growing up, Mom preferred Pepsi, Dad Coke. In the early 60s, there was a Pepsi bottling plant witin 15 miles of home. Mom drank only coffee, Dad only tea (traditional tea, like, the orange-peko, Litpton tea-bag in hot water with a dosse of milk &
Sugar stuff). Then during my earliest years of becoming a somewhat indepdendent (IE: making some of my own choices) multi-faceted junkie dependent on all manner of commercial substances, at first I sorta preferred Pepsi, can still remember well that distinct burning sensation down the back of the throat upon guzzling the stuff from a chilled 16 ounce glass bottle, the same bottle that provided a nickel - cash, upon returning for deposit and allowed me to furnish/fund this developing habbit! Then somwhere in passing from late teans to early twenties there developed a preferance for Coke, 'cause everything goes better with Coke, especially Bacardi, and Captain Morgan.... plus they had those cool, cute Polar Bear Ice Skating commercials at Christmas time! In my early twenties, along with being introduced to my first ever coporate-cog office job, came the office coffee pot that I soon got hooked on. In the early going this was to the exclusion of tea, but by the time I was well-hooked and into my 30's I gradually added the frequent cup of hot tea with lotsa
Sugar & milk to my ever-expanding portfolio of commercial substances addicted to. Between the druthers of mom and dad, the conflicting, being-pulled-this-way-while-being-pushed-that-way influences of advertising, coupled with being a Gemini, to coin another phrase "I'm so confused" ;) All this said, I still remember well the day many years ago as a young teen, after a long day in the sun doing yard work, mom's oldest sister told me "the best thing for you to drink when you are really thirsty is water, plain water"