Re: wow! Great Post!
Hello Rabbittears!
They were very good posts! They surely bring up some scary facts :(
Linkin made some good points, I just had to post a few:
"So where do the parasites hide?
They hide in the stagnation in the tissues in the body. Therefore, any type of cleanse is beneficial because it begins to clear the stagnation. As the contamination clears, the parasites are able to be seen by your immune system and cleared from the body. The paradox: You must cleanse yourself sufficiently to see them. You could say “They are in your blind spots."
---> This could be true, or not. This text piece brings up "the-body-is-dirty" issue again and the whole cleanse or not to cleanse discussion. The reason why the immune system can't seem them can be due to different things; co-infections, or parasites who "trick" the immune system as seen in different articles. Rabbittears mentioned that even "healthy" people have been seen with parasites and fungi.
I think that there must be more to this parasite issue than the "dirty" body. We can only assist the bodys cleansing to some extent, then it can go overboard..
It is hard to know.
"Parasites have been given an opportunity to proliferate at an abnormal rate over the last 10 or more years due to a series of events. We have written about these events, they are being reported in scientific journals, on the internet and even in mainstream magazines. Immune systems are normally weakened due to immunizations, poor diet, smoking, foods stripped of their nutrients, pesticides, food additives , imitation foods, contaminated water, soil, air, negative emotions and the list goes on. Now we can add excess atmospheric radiation and environmental chemicals, chemotherapy, hormones and antibiotics in our food supply, chemtrails, germ warfare and a lowering of the oxygen level (parasites flourish in the absence of oxygen). And they are gaining strength."
---> I think there are many interesting points here. Pretty much sums up how the majority of people live and eat today and the how the production of food is carried on. Sad sad sad.
"The immune system is both a detection and an elimination system. It is designed to detect any foreign substance entering the body and then communicate this disruption to the appropriate removal team. If this detection system becomes dysfunctional, the body loses its early warning system and may fail to remove bacteria, fungus or virus as they enter the body. Once they enter, they look for a safe hiding place with plenty of food where they begin to reproduce and proliferate throughout the body."
---> Aha! "The detection system becomes" dysfunctional" and loses it's early warning system". Again, the poor poor overworked immune system is a hot topic.
I wonder if the statement above could really have hit the jackpot on this issue.
"Chemical imbalances created by parasites can lead to all forms of addictions. While we call them addictions, what they really are is the feeding cycle of the parasites. When parasites get hungry they produce chemicals which flow through the blood stream to the brain, signaling a chemical response which triggers the hunger for a particular substance. Anything other than that substance fails to stop the hunger signal."
---> Addictions to food, watch out for those cravings!
This part interested me the most--> Emotional addiction
"How about the desire to go to the bar or an event where disharmonic emotions will be raised? Maybe the parasites need to get their “fix”. When you go into fear, anger, rage, etc. your body creates chemical substances which feed the parasites. Have you ever heard of an adrenaline rush? The parasites call it a buffet. Some people hang on to grief for years as a result of parasites needing the chemicals created by the emotion of grief to exist. The same can be true for depression, anxiety or even doubt and indecision."
Wait! Do not blame parasites for all your distress. You create the situations necessary to experience your lessons in life. When you move into distress and disharmony you express the negative emotions causing stagnation in your being and magnetically attract the parasites which feed on the chemicals you are producing in these emotional states.
"...At some point, when you want to leave this cycle, it may be a struggle because the parasites still demand to be fed."
--> This part may take a lot of work, but IF a person is willing to do it I think it is a big step. In those dark destructive moments we can try to think a little outside the box, "snap out" of it. It will take patience and patience, and time.
I have so many girlfriends that are drama queens that it's amazing! And at times I am too, I hate that, such an unneccessary behaviour. (I am currently looking for self-help books to take away this destructive behaviour). The drama-queen phenomenom includes arguing about nonsense really, and get angry for peanuts. This is accompanied with an adrenaline rush, you get "high" and the feelings of anger and frustration are flowing in your venes.
I think self-control could be a good VERY idea to practice, to give the body peace and stop to inject fuel to the parasites. Yoga and buddhism are all about self-control and inner peace.
We have discussed how parasites affect emotions and how emotions affect parasites, it is supported somewhat scientifically.
Then I think about all those anti-deppressant pill eaters, like one of my girlfriends. She have been eating them for 16 years, she could not step outside the house before.
"The focus can not be to remove yourself from the presence of parasites.
The focus must be on removing them from you."
"The subject of parasites and eliminating parasites from your body is the greatest challenge you have had in this lifetime. It is urgent that you do so. It is the answer you have been asking for. Many have tried herbal and natural parasite cleanses with some success. However, parasites are intelligent and new “man-made” organisms may not respond to natural cleansing programs and in fact have now mutated into hybrid strains resistant to herbal, natural or chemical antidotes."
--> Huu! Big problem today. Too few people have the right diagnostic tools and resources to get "out" of this, there is too much self-experimentation and guessing games, even among qualified practitioners. Not everybody has access to such a great forum and great people like here. And even less people will even consider the parasitic problem as a root cause for their issues. And too many people will take pills and other band aids, just to manage through the day and wake up the other.