Re: Day 7
yeah, classic dehydration signs. not enough blood to your brain so you get lightheaded. when your blood volume goes down your heart speeds up to make up for your decreased blood pressure. because there is less blood, there is less pressure in the circulatory system so the blood slows down and can't perfuse the tissues. to try to get things moving again, the heart beats faster. not the most effecient compensatory mechanism but works to some degree. the fact that you felt normal again after half an hour supports the dehydration. i suspect if you downed a
quart of water (or what would have been better yet, SWF) you would have bounced back just the same. of course you would have still needed the lemonade for calories/nutrients/electrolytes but initally, just water would have set you right.
Good for you on the juice fasting! i haven't used my juicer enough this year! I bought a champion per this site's raves last winter and need to start making better use of it.
thanks, i feel better about cheating/adjusting.
and i appreciate being warned about the bonking. looking back, i've experienced that before for sure.