Pushing is very bad. That happened to me too. I felt like my colon was going to come out too. Then later, hemorrhoids. Those are very hard to get rid of. I still have not after 4 years.
On the short run, I did what you did. I took laxatives. Milk of Magnesia worked for me in that short period. There are magnesium products that work for most people. I finally took Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) and use a pinch in my water each day. I also take Shultze's formula #1 daily after supper (check his CZ forum); just one capsule each day. It still comes back; but I'm sure I'll have to address it with diet. Problem is that I love cheese. I know the rules - water, fiber, exercises.
Good luck. I know it hurts; but, you can do very bad things to your body if you push.