Here's an interesting story rather along your lines:
A man worked with hazardous materials in the amunitions/defense industry for 7 years, and 10 years after quitting decided to cleanse because he was really sick. he passed mucoid placque that smelled weird. He sent it to a lab via mail to have it analyzed. Since he was on an island and mailing to the mainland, it got sniffed by drug/bomb dogs, who went crazy and next thing he knew the government was asking him about his package! Turns out the mucoid placque had walled off a ton of toxins related to the ammunitions/explosives.
Lots of people who have worked with or ingested or smoked drugs have gone thru a healing crisis that involved smelling, tasting, or feeling the same symptoms after bowel/liver management. so what you're going thru is not surprising at all. Time to celebrate for getting rid of some of your past poisons! :)