Re: iodoral and itching - i report, you decide.
I make a fabulous homemade whole wheat bread made with fresh flour with no
additives from a little Amish-Mennonite shop, olive oil, sorghum,
Sea Salt -all good stuff. I even baked bread for my doctor to help pay my bill, yes, he is open to bartering services. However, too much wheat makes me feel awful. I am blood type O+ and apparently this is very common for us. I don't agree with all the
Blood Type Diet any more than I agree 100% with Ayurvedic medicine, MH, or others; but I take what works and ignore the rest.
I am not feeling very well right now. Its mostly a summer cold and probably a sinus infection. I need to drive to Fayetteville and get some more empty capsules from Ozark Natural Foods, that's how I take oil of oregano; but I don't want to move today and a trip to the city is not on my list of things to do if I don't have to. I read Barefoot's article on a grape and grape juice fasting and I am thinking doing that for a week. His orange juice fast does not work for me. Research has given me a possible answer-OJ is high on the glycemic index and I have a feeling it causes too much of a rise and fall of blood
Sugar levels.
Well, I am veering off topic; but one more question-are you retired from the military? For some reason I was thinking about you while driving to work yesterday and wondered then if you retired after twenty or so years.