Re: Liver spots and knee pain.
Telman, such good information, thanks once again!
I get the knee pain only after eating eggs, i think it's the egg yolks (so i won't be doing any egg yolk flushes anytime soon), though i've sampled some eggs and foods made with egg and not felt any major knee pain, which usually causes a popping/cracking sound and me collapsing.. though i feel the slightest sensations (like a pre-pain), so i do believe it is getting better. I find it amazing that one single flush can do so much. There is more to report, but instead of wasting forum space, i'm going to wait until i have done more flushes, then give a summary. the second flush went well, despite vomitting up the OO/lemon juice mixture 2:45am. more stones, larger stones (the softish kind). more feeling of peace afterwards.
The liver spots A. Moritz says are not caused by the sun, however the sun brings out acid crystals to produce spots. I do have a pH problem, no doubt about that. He says with many flushes, these can go away. He says that sunscreens can be more harmful than good.. they give me horrible
Acne makes me so that's my reason i avoid them. He claims lots of things that sound new to
Science in his book, not sure what to believe or not, but will wait and see, some of it makes lots of sense. I bought a hat to cover up. I only get the spots on my face, maybe a few tiny ones on my chest, and shoulders.
i am still very excited about liver cleansing! woohoo! it's sort of like searching for buried treasure. i almost wish i was seeing tons of
parasites coming out, however i'd never be able to do a
parasite cleanse while breastfeeding... so i can wait for that bit of evidence to show up.