My experience with the love languages
I read the 5 love languages some years ago as did my wife. Don't recall how much we applied it. Perhaps it has something to do with the 2 day seminar we went to put on by Gary Chapman.
I remember going to his seminar and feeling compassion for the young quiet guy next to us with his loud controlling young wife as she yapped next to us and in our small group for many hours all day long the first day.
I recall hoping so dearly and praying with my spirit that he would be experience relief somehow as result of this Gary Chapman seminar. Afterwards that night as we sat in the car ruminating before going back to the hotel, me feeling guily about making a big deal about trying to change her by not just shutting the metaphorical kitchen cabinets after my forgetful wife, we saw the loud wife running down the row of cars frantically screaming for help for her husband.
I grabbed my phone and while calling 911 ran back to her car where the gentle young man (several years younger, and much more slender than I) had collapsed of a heart attack. I was the first responder and could do nothing much but direct compassion to him and after taking his pulse and reporting he had a pulse to the nurse and fireman who responded next I prayed for him and all of us who were around him and supporting him and left it to God. The nurse and fireman concluded he had no pulse and I insisted it was shallow and located it again. After the ambulance left we went back to the hotel
and had the best sex of our marriage that night because we were so opened up with compassion and love and appreciation of life.
The next morning at the seminar the woman came and announced that her husband had died later that night. I had felt his lifeforce leaving as I first held him and heard a voice in my spirit as I located his shallow pulse the second time and knew that he was experiencing real freedom.
We had more great sex that night.
Can't deal with anymore Gary Chapman though
Compassion opens up one the most