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multi faceted approach
You know when I was
Liver Flushing at first it got better but things have flared up again so bad..but I got to thinking
A) its been a REALLY stressful couple of months
B) ive also stopped working out in these last couple of months.
I think there is a DEFINITE connection. Im begining to understand that its more than just a dirty liver or a clogged bowel or
parasites or other stress toxins in the body. I think its so hard to cure because its a different combination of all of the above for everyone. So we all need to try a LOT of things and attack continually from different angles.
Liver Flushing + working out seems a good combo for me. Ive been doing "health bouncing" {basically what I call jumping up and down, bouncing back and forth and running in place, my version of rebounding until I can get a trampoline} and on the days I do it I see a noticable difference in my skin. So Im convinced I have a circulation issue and a weak lymphatic system {seems to become VERY sluggish if Im not getting some form of aerobics every day or most days}. I know my liver is still very clogged up as well, and I have a lot more flushing and herbal detoxing to do. Im not so sure if
parasites is the issue for me. I did suffer a lot of die off and detox reaction when on HUmaworm and breakouts as well, so there is something going on there..I just feel that until my other systems of elimination get stronger,
parasite cleansing may be too hard on my body.
Anyways Im babbling on...not sure what the point of my post is..except that I think Im understanding this mystery we call
Acne a bit more..we definately need to get past any notions that there is a set "cause". I thought for so long that it was as simple as "clogged liver= acne" for so long..which is partially true but Im learning you cant just
Liver Flush and expect perfect skin..everything is connected and if the liver is weak chances are our other systems are weak as well.
A multi-faceted approach is definately gonna be the way to go for me. Ive been being wayyy too single minded about this.