Re: Women adult acne- be aware of yeast allergy
My case is really worthwhile to read.
I am 26 years old, it happened with me 2 years ago.
I allways had oily skin, but this problem was getting more and more dramatic as I turned into the 20s.
My face was full of big, red acnes which hurt and very hardly got cured. I have tried several face wash and creams but
nothing worked at all - though I have not tried zinerit.
My self-confidence was diminishing each time I looked into the mirror. Sometimes I got so upsat that I tried to clear them
by pushing out all the dirt inside. But I just created some marks on my face which will last foreever.
Then I met with a doctor, who said I must have yeast allergy. I went to a special private clinic, I undertook several colon
cleaning treatments, I stopped eating sweet, milk, bread (anything that is with yeast), and I stopped drinking coffee and soda water.
Rather I drunk only natural water or tea, I ate only special type of cheese, pasta, lots of vegetables and fresh salads,
yoghurt with lacto bacteriums etc. I ate red meat once in every month only.
I made it. I told to myself that I have to be strong and I can make it for myself.
I kept my promise for one year. A bit more.
NO CHANGE. I lost several kilos, anyway, I was allways skinny. NO CHANGE occured on my face.
Then I decided to take Diane35, no matter if I am against of pills. I need to try. For 5 months nothing really happened, but
then slowly my face was getting clearer and clearer. After 12 months my skin is really clean, much-much less oil, I much more
self-confidence. After 15 months I decided to keep a break, so I stopped eating the pills, but the
Acne till did not get back!!!
And I started to eat bread again!!!
The only thing I feel sorry, that I did not try it before, and those marks are on my face...
But at least, I can have a full, normal life... So girls, think about it, there is allways 2 sides of the dime...