After the 12hr. soak I drain the water off.Refill with water while gently stiring the seeds to stimulate and clean them.After soaking the seeds are soft so be extra gentle so not to damage.I stir the seeds until the water gets filthy then I drain the water and repeat until water clears up.3 times is generaly good enough,then I drain out as much water as possible.Then I role up a small cotton towel and place in the bottom of the container.Then I place the container on an incline for about a half hour,then transfer to a larger container and spread the seeds out evenly.I generaly soak 4 cups of seed at a time,this makes two flats worth of seed.I get my barley grass seed from wheatgra SSKI,they have the best brice but there seed is bulk and requires more cleaning.Are you going to grow inside or outside?And what type of juicer are you using for your grass juicing?When you say your going to buy a sprouter what do you mean?Are you refering to growing trays,if so you can get them at a local seed store or greenhouse.I get mine at kelly seed store in peoria,Il.There cheap but very practical for growing grass and micro-greens.