In order to maximize germination of your grass seed there are several steps that can be helpfull.I buy the cheaper bulk seed and focus on preperation of seed as opposed to buying the pricey sprout grade seed.I rinse my seed 3 times then soak for 12 hrs. rinse 3 more times and then let rest for 12hrs.This resting lets the seeds dry some so they are moist NOT WET! Strict moisture control is the most important factor in keeping mold from from growing.Sunflower sprouts are much easier to grow than grass and taste so much better.Im on my second flat of buckwheat greens so far things are growing really well.You might want to visit an informative site on the growing of grass.His seed is good as well grows very tall and withstands high heat which works well during the summers here in central ILL..Good luck and happy sprouting!