I too did lots of cardio (swam miles in the pool) and didn't lose the weight until I added strength training - after reading lots of books that all said, "Do weights plus cardio". I started with dumb bells but now I just use a 12kg (24lb?) kettlebell in front of the tv at night - you don't have to go to a gym if you hate that as there's lots of DVDs to show you what to do in your own home with just dumb bells or, as in my case a kettlebell, and I didn't turn into a body builder. To drop the weight I did a day of cardio followed by a day of strength training and I took Sundays off. The weight dropped off and now I maintain it by doing 30 mins, 3 times a week with the kettlebell - I've gotten lazy during winter here. I have a better body in my 40s than I did in my 30s. Good luck.