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Re: SIBO, Candida...Gas & Bloating
digitalman Views: 21,100
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 930,333

Re: SIBO, Candida...Gas & Bloating

SIBO & candida go hand in hand - they both overgrow due to the GI tract being out of balance. SIBO & Candida will grow in the wrong places when the pH is in the alkaline range. They will also thrive because the digestion is incomplete (giving rise to pH imbalance and providing nutrient source to pathogens who otherwise wouldnt see it during normal digestion.

First boost digestive power - this will slolwy revert to healthy pH in the GI tract. This can be accomplished by acidifying the gut (& help stomach acid production). Betaine HCL, ACV, lemon can help with this. You need highly acidic pH to digest protein and trigger pancreatic and billiary secretions (otherwise no digestive enzymes and lack of bile will leave undigested food for the pathogens and no nutrients for you).

Digestive enzymes will also boost you digestion, allowing for you to absorb more nutrition and leave less for pathogens to thrive on. Additional digestive enzymes like cellulase will also help digest candida strands and create hostile environment to SIBO.

Probiotics will help push out the wrong bacteria out by means of overcrowding. However you have to create the proper environment for probiotics to thrive. They thrive under acidic conditions in the large intestine.

I would highly recommend standard process Multizyme or zypan for digestive enzymes, Lact-enz and or Zymex to help create healthy environment via probiotics and enzymes. I've taken all with sucess and now taking multizyme/lact-enz combo.
ACV with and without meals can be very helpful (if stomach acid is lacking betaine HCl/zypan can be better) .

SIBO and Candida/IBS will create nutritional deficiencies so you want to make sure you provide the necessary vits/minerals.



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