Re: My best friend, Laurelyn (31), died of melanoma
I knew she was treated improperly, but today when I read that on interferon it just really struck me. What the HELL was that doctor thinking? Not like any of the alternatives offered by mainstream medicine would have been acceptable, mind you, but sheesh. That drug wasn't even approved of for her type of cancer! Once AGAIN, NOT like it would have mattered as far as that stuff went, it was probably the beginning of the end for her when they cut her.
And yeah, it's RAGE.
We have to remember that the current medical system really hasn't been in power that long. But damn, they're powerful. As bad as it is, though, we're lucky to be living in these times. It's ok to question.
And I'm sorry for your losses as well. I've lost others, too.
I want to see someone I love die healthy. I want to die healthy.