Re: o/t Rant
What a sad story, Wom. So sorry for your friend, her family and
loved ones, which include you, to have to have watched her go
through such an ordeal only to die. It is criminal. My poor dear
father, who had a rare type of cancer which he was always told
would not kill him, that something else would (and it did), was
put on interferon. That, plus the methotrexate he was put on,
were the beginning of the end of a vibrant life, a guy who was
playing tennis up till the age of 81. He had never been sick in
his life before. He had cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, which manifested
as hideous purple lesions on his skin. For years prior his skin
had flaked and there were piles of dead skin all over the floor.
The medical name for it is mycosis fungoides, which is basically
Greek for "fungus fungus." I personally think it was a sort of
blood fungus, and quite possibly could easily have been cured
by the measures we CZers take and
Iodine and a number of other
supplements (such as CS). But of course he would never have
been open to that; he would not so much as take a vitamin, and
didn't till his oncologist advised him to, toward the end. It
was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, to see him suffer
the way he did for the last year and a half to two years of his
life. At one point I had to drive all the way up to where he
was living to drive him into SF to see his specialist, as he
could not get dressed all the way, the lesions hurt so badly,
and driving was out of the question. It made me heartsick. I
miss him more than words can ever say--he more than anyone in
my life was my soulmate, in some ways. We were exceptionally
close, and took trips overseas together.
I know it may be hard to accept when you're really missing
a dear one terribly, but just remember there is no death;
the body dies, the ego dies, but the spirit lives on and
goes onto the next adventure. May you find one another again
one day.