Re: I need suggestions for FAQ's
Wow. Thank you VERY much for taking the time to type out that explanation!
It took me awhile to get the ole noggin' to grasp it all, but now I think I've got it (:::insert sound clip from 'My Fair Lady':::: --"by george, I think she's got it!"--)
Now then, :::great big sigh::: , if I only knew (or could find & understand all the research that's been destroyed) on how iodine/potassium
Iodide effects the pleomorphic aspects of Bechamp's microzomas (Reich's bions, Enderlein's endobionts, Naessen's somatids) and how it all fits in with the entire "pleomorphic orthobiology theory" (or whatever it's being called), then I'd be THE most happy woman on earth...not to mention the healthiest (and probably the most persecuted).
Of course, it's not just iodine/potassium
Iodine I want to know about, but EVERY element and what role it plays on the life in our bodies that sustain our life.
'Got a link to that information? (huge sad smirk/sigh).