Suggestions for FAQs
This is a lot for one person to do; you may have to get your partners in on this.
Here goes:
What conditions has
Iodine shown to be good for? Can it help me?
Which to take? Difference in Lugol's, Iodoral, Atomidine, Povidine Iodine,
Iodine Tincture. Why does my
Lugol's say not for internal use or not USP? Other ways to use
Iodine besides orally. Can I do anything with iodine tincture?
How to start? What can I expect to feel after I start? Is it safe? Why does my
Lugol's say not for internal use or not USP? How long do I have to take iodine?
A good layman's explanation of halides, and halide imbalance. Information on what the other halides do in the body.
All about detox. Side effects and how to get rid of them. Side effects and what they mean.
What are the symptoms of too much iodine? Is there such a thing as iodine overdose?
Companion supplements and reasons for them.
Horizontal vs vertical drops - Calculating the dose; upping the dose
* Calculation of long drop by pb3046 6 days 56
Miss Kitty, what is a long drop, and how many mg are you calculating for it? I know one Iodoral tablet is 12.5 mg. One vertical drop is 6.5mg, one horizontal drop is about 12mg, but I am not familiar with a long drop.
o Re: Calculation of long drop by mi
SSKI tty 6 days 44
I call a horizontal drop a long drop but I thought they were v=12.5 h=34.5 (or something like that).
+ Re: Calculation of long drop/Mi
SSKI tty by hanna 6 days 33
That is a quick start 4 horinzontal drops plus iodoral is 62.5 mg. If you get a reaction you might switch to 4 vertical drops plus the iodoral and then after a week start adding drops. Some people just started with 1-2 drops a day, but if you feel ok you can leave it but stay on this for awhile.
Links: To testimonials (get from R)
Links: To Abraham, Flechas, Orlee, Kelley,Brownstein, Miller, Clark etc and what they say about iodine
Links: To
Breast Cancer choices, iodine for health, other
Iodine Forum s, iodine blogs
For Newbie:
One should start with one drop of
Lugol's in distilled water and build up slowly until my pee goes dark (very slowly is best). If I have stomach issues or desire to, switch to iodoral. Take Vitamin C and selenium and magnesium daily as well. If symptoms like headache, deep fatigue, foggy headedness and/or joint aches happen add a salty water drink or two daily (1/4 teaspoon in 4
oz warm water) and increase Vit c. If all is well, maintain the higher does for a month or so and then lower dose to
maintenance level of two drops.
Intro for Newbies!!!!
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