Re: One question more
Hi Wombat and everybody else!
Reading that I should take the
Lugol's in distilled water I have one more question:
I prefer taking the
Lugol in my coffee. Read that Hanna does that. Great taste. No inconvenience. Why should I take it in distilled water? I probably would take much less without the coffee!
Lugol and distilled water? urggghhhhhhh...........
Well ok, I am not very scientific in my
Iodine intake. No chance telling you how much milligrams I've taken which day. When my stomach tells me I had not enough
Lugol's in my coffee, I paint the
Lugol's on my skin. My maximum of coffee is three cups a day. Good coffee. Hand-roasted with coals. Low in acidity, very low! One day I phoned the man who roasts this coffee, to tell him, his coffee was not the same anymore. We chated 15 minutes and he explained me, I should clean my coffee-machine. He was right. And he explained me the difference of the coffee-roasting-processes. But I am getting off-topic now! ;-))))))))
After that I need a cup of coffee! Roasted by hand over coals. I take it with Lugol's of course! And cream.