Cold sores vs. Canker sores..
They're two different things. See
for some discussion of the difference.
Given the location, my guess, and I'm not a doctor, would be that it's the herpes kind since canker sores are inside the mouth as far as I know.
Before you panic, let me point out that a very large percentage of the adult population already has HSV1 so, even if you've never had cold sore symptoms, you may already have the virus and thus have antibodies to protect you from a new infection in a new location.
In the event that you do start to have symptoms genitally, I advise getting to a doctor or clinic ASAP and get them to do a **Type-Specific** culture on your symptomatic area or, if it's available a PCR swab so that you'll know exactly what it is and can start on antiviral meds right away. Don't let anyone do a visual diagnosis. That is wrong about 1/3 of the time and cannot determine the type of the virus, if indeed, it is herpes.
Lastly, even if your partner does have oral herpes, it's not 100% that it was transmitted.
I hope this helps at least a little bit.