Re: 28-Day Water Fast Starting Tomorrow
Hey, I will join you guys.
I already started on July 18. Today is day 6 for me. I plan to do it for 40 days. Yeah I know its a bit too much but I am committed. I have done it for 2 weeks before. I will share with you what keeps me going:
One thing that really helps is to recognize and expect that there are ups and downs to this. A challenge is only as rewarding as the struggle you strive to achieve it. So when I experience my downs, I tend to try to busy myself. If I am so down that I cant do anything, i look for support on the internet such as here or other fasting support websites. This helps alot.
Also expecting the downs is very helpful. You are gonna stop eating I mean, you can't be surprised that you are gonna get hungry! The beauty is that you know it will pass. it just has to.
Sometimes the devil whispers to me, maybe i should brake my fast. I have learnt to ignore such ideas because, if you really think about it, you are gonna eat after you are done. Infact, you are gonna eat most of your life. The world is not going to suddenly run out of all foods and be in international starvation before you brake your fast. Food will be there. You are most likely going to be not hungry 99% of your existence (assuming you can afford it). Just have the strength to recognize that and put up with the temporary hunger to achieve what YOU decided you want to do. Afterall you did want to complete your goal!