Fascinating. Thanks for sharing this. Surely there is a way to detect whether it's been removed, or if the count is down. Direct blood exam (N is prob sick of this one) is my route. Not so easy to come by though.
An infection - hmm. Technically, yes. But more an overburdening. Major p-ite problem.
Severe respiratory issues. Inability to eat/swallow - better but not gone. Same w the intense, unexplained anxiety. Anxiety isn't a stong enough word - it's physical. Loss of coordination to a good degree (I think they've torns a holes in my head - I'd almost swear they have). I just don't know if the pulser is enough. Also, thought it was discontinued (per Sota's site). Is there a better reason to order from toolsforhealing? I'll go back in and see if it's price only. Perhaps (I'm thinking/wondering) tfh carries discontinued items.