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various strains of HSV.
Hugo Views: 3,810
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 923,042

various strains of HSV.

First, sorry if I came across as patronizing. It's not intended. I try to be informative and helpful to a general audience.

No, you didn't state that BHT cures herpes because you read it on a website. You stated that people reported testing negative after being on BHT for a period of time. I pointed out the nature of anecdotal evidence and false negative tests.

I tried to be careful to not state that there will never be a cure, but rather to state that there currently is no cure. There has been some discussion, too, about exactly what comprises a cure. In my opinion, it will take a lot longer to get to the definition where the virus is somehow eradicated from the body as compared to the cure where symptoms and transmission are controlled.

There are indeed various strains of the herpes simplex virus, even within the two types. Some strains are referred to as being TK resistant, which means that the antiviral meds which target the Thymidine Kinase reaction that is part of the replication process don't work well with those strains. These strains are rare in immunocompetent subjects, with an incidence of 0.3% in one fairly large study done in France in 1999. The incidence is much greater in immunocompromised subjects, approaching 4%.

Have a nice weekend.


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