I tried to do your Pepsi flush last night. I ate a big meal of pork,green beans and potatoes at around 6 pm and drank the Pepsi concoction at 9:30. I felt uncomfortably full. Went to bed, but developed severe nausea around midnight. I had to get up and proceeded to vomit everything out of my stomach, including dinner. So I figured I must of vomited all the Pepsi concoction too. I didn't proceed to the C of M step this morning.
I want to try again. This is my first attempt at liver flushing. I have not done anything for parasite or bowel cleansing.
What did I do wrong? Should I have fasted that day? Do I need to do the enema, I have never done one. Also, can I buy that chorella at any healthfood store? Like Whole Foods? Thanks for any advice