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Brief update: day 27
Well, I have had many ups and downs during this cleanse. On some days I felt like a million dollars and on others (most, actually) I felt moderately - severely bad..
I expelled a 15cm piece of that white tape stuff again yesterday morning.
And yesterday at work , about 3 hours after this, I got the strongest sensation of movement in my intestines and new that something large was probably dieing. This was no pinworm. The feeling went for a few minutes. I went home and had an enema (they help a lot) and went to sleep as usual that night, but was a little restless. I awoke an hour ago (6.30am QLD time) and went to the toilet...
I am very happy to say that by far the longest bit of Tapeworm came out. It was totally white, over 40 cm (I am being conservative with this estimate!), and was immediately visible as I expectantly peered into the dunny bowl!! The piece was wrapped around and throughout a piece of stool (gee it's hard to talk about this - photos are so much easier but my battery recharger broke!) and it was very bulbous at one end. This was one big creature and I am so happy it's gone.
My stomach is flatter than ever this morning and my mood is light and calm, in direct contrast to the last couple of days when I was just wanting all the die-off to end!
I think that over 150cm of this has come out of me so far.
I also seem to be retaining muscle mass a bit better, I've noticed.
Have to go to work now and will provide a summary in a couple of days for those interested.
ps: I found neem oil and for the last couple of days have been taking a very small amount each day