Been to the specialist today....
I'm not very impressed with his reaction to my news of having LYME. He is sticking to his theory of body\chemistry imbalance.
Basically his experience tells him that most people who are having multiple chronic health issues, which include the presents of parasites, is because something in the brain\nervous system is out of sinc--Duh. His recommendation is to treat the patient with drugs which can "re-set" a chemical balance. His choice involves anti-phychotic drugs which are tolerable by the patient.
The drug of choice this visit? "Pimozide"--I can't make out the spelling, anyway I'll look it up.
This is a specialist who has world-wide acclaim. He also says he is well aware of these strange parasitic infections going on, including morgellions, and is receiving several patients a month with these afflictions. He says he has a couple of ideas what is going on, but left it at that.
So that's that.
I am continuing my own direction which includes keeping focus on the gut bacteria, and it's relationship with immunesystem. Shroom